Tuesday of the 26th week in ordinary time year A

Zechariah 8:20-23         Luke 9:51-56

Theme: A search for God

In the 1st reading of today, the prophet Zechariah prophesy about the future of Jerusalem. People will come from different parts of the world in search of God in Jerusalem, the city of God. This prophecy was good and timely for the people, at a time when the people were not sure of what the future holds for them. The prophesy of Zechariah has been fulfilled, even in our own time also. Our churches can be referred to as Jerusalem, a place where we go to and encounter God. I know some of us may be tempted to say that you can meet God anywhere you call upon him he will answer.

However, when you visit him in his house (Which is the church in our own time), so to say, it is not the same thing with when you talk to him while on the road. Using our human understanding, when one makes a request from you when he sees you on the road, and when he decides to visit you at home to present the same request, the response is most likely going to be different. This brings me to a very important question; how much effort are you making to go in search of God? We are all encouraged today to be truly part of our worshipping community. We should not be lazy about it and resolve to rather attend mass online. If this is done because of serious issues, like health, it is understandable, not out of laziness.

In the gospel reading of today, Jesus rebuked James and John because they requested to call down fire because the Samaritans did not receive them. Jesus can easily give them the go ahead and it will happen, but Jesus rather rebuked them. Can you relate with the gospel reading of today? Ordinarily many of us would have called down fire to consume and destroy the Samaritans, for refusing to accept and welcome us into their territory. The action of Jesus today, says a lot to all of us as Christians in our own time. It should not always be to call down fire to consume and destroy people. Let us emulate Jesus, by applying patience and looking for an alternative means through which the situation can be resolved, there is always another way.

May the Lord grant us the grace to always emulate Christ in our actions, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.


Tuesday of the 26th week in ordinary time year A, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp