Monday of the 26th week in ordinary time year A

Zechariah 8:1-8      Mathew 18:1-5,10

Theme: Your protector

Today the church celebrates the memorial of the Guardian Angels. A celebration that reminds us of the fact that God loves us so much and always looks out for us. Everyone of us has his or her own Guardian Angel that is always there to guide and protect us from every danger and harm that we may encounter. There is no one without his or her Guardian Angel, and they are always with you. But unfortunately, many of us are not conscious of their presence in our lives, and as a result, we do not have the type of relationship with them that we are supposed to have. Today’s celebration is a reminder to all of us about their presence in our lives.

There are situations we find ourselves in life and we must invite our Guardian Angel to come to our assistance. However, they are always near and close to us, whether we are conscious of it or not. Let us resolve today to build a relationship with our Guardian Angel, just like we build with our patron saints and our Ancestors in faith. It is a friendship that will benefit us, and we have nothing to lose. We can call upon them when we are faced with difficult situations, and they will come to our assistance. In view of this, we are all encouraged today to get closer to our Guardian Angel and be conscious of their presence in our lives.

The Gospel reading of today from St. Mathew, Jesus points out the fact that our Angels intercede for us before the throne of God. This is seen in todays Gospel when he talks about the attribute of anyone who wishes to be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. The humility of children is priceless, and it must be embraced in our daily lives, if we truly want a place in the kingdom of heaven. Jesus admonishes us to bring little children closer to us and imbibe their innocence, simplicity, humility, and way of life. They are open to everyone and very unassuming in their dealings with all those they encounter. The assertion of Jesus about the Angels of the little ones always beholding the face of God, says a lot about the power of our Guardian Angels. Get closer to your Guardian Angel, today going forward and you will be richly blessed. May the Lord bless his words in our hearts in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.


Monday of the 26th week in ordinary time year A, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp