27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A
Isaiah 5:1-7 Philippians 4:6-9 Mathew 21:33-43
Theme: Reciprocating God’s Love
The liturgy of this twenty-seven Sunday of the ordinary time of the Year A, invites us to reciprocate God’s love towards us. In the first reading and the gospel, we see the depth of God’s love for his people. He takes his time to prune and prepare his vineyard and expects a rich harvest in due season. But unfortunately, what he gets is contrary to his expectations from the vineyard. If we all as children of God take seriously the admonition of St. Paul in today’s second reading, it will help us to produce the desired fruits that God expects from his vineyard. The question that is thrown to us today is, are you ready to be a good tenant by bearing good fruits?
The first reading from the prophet Isaiah is known as “the song of the unfruitful vineyard “. Israel is the vineyard of the Lord, and he did everything to ensure that they bear good fruits, the contrary was the case. Instead of bearing good fruits like people of God, they were rather bearing bad fruits. In view of this, the prophet told them that they will be destroyed. The assertion of the prophet was a call to action for the people of Israel. It is for them to retrace their steps and avoid the wrath of God. Sometimes in life we encounter a similar situation because we have derailed from the right path; God welcomes us back when we repent of our sins and seek his mercy. Always remember that there is no sin that is greater than the mercy of God.
The second reading from St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians, gives us an insight on how we can remain in union with God and continue to bear good fruits according to the desire of God. We can achieve it through prayer, supplication, and thanksgiving. No matter the challenge we encounter in life, just trust in God, and follow the advice of St. Paul that is rooted in love and will lead to a greater union with God. It is a call to greater union with him.
In the gospel reading, Jesus uses the image of the vineyard to make reference to the people of Israel. The new tenants that God has given his vineyard are the modern day Christians. Very important questions we need to answer today are, are we any better than the former occupants of the vineyard; and is God happy with the kind of fruits we are producing? Let these questions guide and direct our actions. Let us resolve today to make good use of the advice from the second reading and remain in union with God as we continue to bear good fruits. Peace be with you!