Friday of the 28th week in ordinary time year A

Romans 4:1-8       Luke 12:1-7

Theme: Beware of hypocrisy

This is the admonition of Jesus to us in the gospel reading of today. It is deceptive and evil at the same time. It paints a picture that is not true, and completely misleads all those around you. It rubs you of the opportunities that would have helped you to become a better person and help other people to know your true situation in life. Even situations when you need the help of other people, you may not get it, because you are presenting a front that says all is well with you; while you suffer silently because of the false picture you have painted about your person. So, you can understand why Jesus condemns it completely, it is deceptive and evil.

As a child of God, we do not need this type of deception in our lives, claiming what you are not and deceiving other people about the true situation in your life. It is better to make your life less complicated, by been conscious of what God always thinks about you. At the end of the day, what matters most is how we are seen by God almighty, who cannot be mislead or deceived by our hypocritical lifestyle. We are encouraged today by Jesus, not to live a false life, just because we want to be applauded by the people around us, while we have failed ourselves and God almighty that we cannot deceive. We are all encouraged today to guide against living a false life if our goal is to make heaven at the end of our earthly pilgrimage. Knowing fully well that God almighty who is going to judge us knows the true situation of how we have lived our lives, unlike others that we have mislead by our false way of life.

The admonition of Jesus today is that we should be mindful of the fact that we cannot mislead God by living a hypocritical life. As such, we are all encouraged to be mindful of this fact that we make a sincere effort to live a less complicated life, by not intentionally misleading other people about who we truly are. Never live a false life because you want to present a false picture to make people accept you or respect you, that will be like building a false foundation, it will not stand the test of time; it will collapse. The most important thing is to be real to yourself and God, it will help you to live a less complicated life. May the Lord bless his words in our hearts in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.

Friday of the 28th week in ordinary time year A, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp