Tuesday of the 29th week in ordinary time year A

Rom. 2:12.15b.17-19.20b-21           Luke 12:35-38

Theme: Be prepared

In the gospel reading of today, St. Luke admonishes us to be always prepared and ready, because we do not know when the master will come, happy are those servants whom the master will find; ready and prepared to receive him. These are wonderful words of encouragement to all of us as children of God. A reminder that our stay here on earth is temporal and not permanent. What happens to us after our life here on earth depends on how we choose to live our lives. Our preparation for our master is a process and not automatic. That is why you must not be discouraged if you are not able to achieve the perfection that you seek immediately. It would take some time to get our desired result, just be patient. You may not even be able to attain the perfection that you seek, but at least you will be better than you were and closer to the Divine. At the end of the day, what may count is how much effort you made towards becoming a better person.

The invitation in St. Luke’s gospel is not making an extra ordinary request from us, it is rather a reminder for us to live our lives according to the imperatives of the gospel. Those who are already on that path are encouraged to remain on that path and continue to do their best, while those who are not there already are encouraged to join those who are there already. As Christians, our life will be more meaningful when the choices we make daily begins to impact positively on the lives of all those who encounter us. Just like in the case of Jesus, all those who encountered him with an open mind, had something positive added to their lives. Some were healed, some were restored to a better state, simply put, value was added to their lives.

St. Luke is encouraging us today to mirror Christ in our word and deed, as be prepare for the coming of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. This is an invitation that we should take seriously, as we continue to strive to make eternal life. Never think you are not good enough for heaven, that will be underestimating the mercy of God. Just trust in him and continue to do your best and leave the rest to God. Remember, we are talking about the same God that forgave some of the saints we celebrate today in the church and used them as worthy instruments for the good of the people and to the greater glory of God. May the Lord bless his words in our hearts in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.

Tuesday of the29th week in ordinary time year A, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp