Tuesday of the 32nd week in ordinary time year A

Wisdom 2:23-3:9      Luke 17:7-10

Theme: The soul of the righteous

In the 1st reading of today from the Book of Wisdom, it is made explicitly clear that the souls of the righteous will know no decay, because they are in the hand of God. At death, the state of the righteous has changed not ended, because it will be at peace with God. This wonderful privilege can be enjoyed by those who have lived a righteous life while on earth. While those who lived a carefree life may not be so lucky to experience the peace of those who lived a righteous life while on earth.

The 1st reading of today is simply reminding all of us about the need for us to be mindful of the kind of life that we lead while on earth. It is simply encouraging us to make honest and sincere effort to live a good life that is good and always pleasing to God. This stems from the fact that as children of God, our desire is to attain salvation at the end of our earthly lives. It is never too late for us to make that bold decision today that will draw us closer to God and help us to embrace holiness and righteousness of life. Strictly speaking, none of us desire to miss heaven at the end of our life here on earth, so let us do all we can from henceforth to live a life that is good and pleasing to God.

As we get closer to the end of the liturgical year, the church in her wisdom continues to remind us about the need for us to continue to prepare for life after death. This is very important because none of us is going to remain here on earth forever. The time will come when we must give account of our stewardship here on earth. The question is, when that time comes, will you be ready and prepared? Remember, it is going to come at an hour we do not know. So, we are all encouraged to live our lives in such a way that we are conscious of the fact that our stay on earth is temporal, and we must allow this knowledge to continue to guide us in the way we lead our lives. Let us continue to do our best to live a righteous life, trusting on Gods grace to sustain us.

May the Lord bless his words in our hearts in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.


Tuesday of the 32nd week in ordinary time year A, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp