Tuesday of the first week of Advent year B

Isaiah 11: 1-10       Luke 10:21-24

Theme: Blessed are the eyes …

In the gospel reading from St. Luke, Jesus points out to his disciples the fact that they are in a privileged position that other people long to be. This is seen in his statement, “Blessed are the eyes which see what you see”. This privilege stems from the fact that they are followers of Christ and are close to him. They can listen to the preaching of Jesus and see his miraculous healings, as they move along with him. Like they say, knowledge is power. They have firsthand knowledge of the activities of Jesus and some other people do not have the same privilege but wish they had it like the disciples of Jesus. As Christians in our own time, we can also be referred to as the privileged people, as followers of Christ.

We did not enjoy the privilege of been with Jesus physically, but he left us his word in the scriptures which serves as a guide to all those who are followers of Christ. Most of his works and teachings are found in the scriptures and that already places us on a privileged position, just like his disciples referred to in St. Lukes gospel today. It is left for us to make our privileged position as Christians to count on the last day for us, lest we would have abused the wonderful opportunity God has given to us. The most important thing for us as children of God, is to make good use of the word of God that we hear and preach in our daily lives. This will be a wonderful way of making good use of the privilege we enjoy as children of God. Our Knowledge must add value to our lives and to the lives of all those who encounter us.

In the 1st reading of today, the prophet Isaiah continues to give us a message of hope, that tells us that a better future awaits us. A message that is saying all hope is not lost, no matter how bleak things look now, things are going to be fine again. Never allow the present challenges in your life lead you to despair or depression, because God is saying you should trust in him and hang in there, because everything will be fine again. This is a wonderful message for all of us, at this time when so many people are going through difficulties in their lives. May the Lord bless his words in our hearts in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.

Tuesday of the first week of Advent year B, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp