Wednesday of the first week of Advent year B

Isaiah 25: 6-10a        Mathew 15:29-37

Theme: Jesus the true shepherd

In the gospel reading of today, we see how Jesus attended to both the material and spiritual needs of the people. The people came to him for different reasons, and he attended to their needs and used the opportunity to also give glory to God, as he healed the sick and miraculously fed the crowd with the little, they had. God’s love for humanity is seen repeatedly in how he treats and handles issues that concerns us. No one goes to him and remains the same after the encounter with him. There is always something different and value is added to their lives. It is the same thing in our own time, God has not changed, he continues to attend to our physical and spiritual needs as we go to him in faith. He does not change, he is the same yesterday, today and forever. He did it in time past, he is doing it in our own time, and he will continue to do it forever.

The big question for us today is, do you believe he can do it for you as a person? What we read from the scriptures is not just a story, it is a reality that will remain forever. That is why we must always trust and have faith in God and give him the opportunity to perform the same miracle in our lives, families and in the world at large. Just like the crowd in the gospel reading of today, we all need Jesus Christ in one way or the other in our lives, let us go to him today and experience his healing mercy in our lives.

No matter what needs are now, God can attend to all our needs, whether physical or spiritual. Just like in the gospel reading of today, he restored people to good health and glorified God in the process and fed them with the loaves of bread and fish that was donated. Let us trust in him and present the storms in our lives to him. Remember, no one goes to him and remains the same after encountering him. As we go to him with faith today, may we experience the healing power of God in our lives, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.


Wednesday of the first week of Advent year B, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp