Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God

          Numbers 6:22-27 Galatians 4: 4-7 Luke 2: 16-21

Theme: Mary Queen of Peace

Today the church celebrates the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God. It is also the beginning of a New Year and lastly it is celebrated as the World Day of Peace. Beginning the New Year by celebrating our Mother Mary and committing the year into her care is something that is commendable. Mary is a woman of great love and peace. It is an opportunity for us to pray through her intercession for the restoration of peace in our lives, families, and the world at large. There is no better time to request for her intercession than now, as we pray for peace in the world. The World Day of Peace was instituted in 1968 by Pope Paul V1.

The first reading from the Book of Numbers is a prayer of blessing and God’s protection in our lives, families, and the world at large. It is a wonderful way to begin the New Year. It is a celebration that calls us to action in our daily lives. As our Mother Mary plays her role towards us, we must also play our own role to ensure that the prayers from the Book of Numbers will bear fruit in our individual lives and families. This must reflect in the way we relate with both God and our neighbours. When this is properly done, it will go a long way to establish the peace that we seek and pray for in our liturgy today. This brings us to a very important question today. What role are you playing towards enthroning peace in your family, church, place of business, office, society, and country? We all have a role to play if we truly desire this peace that we seek.

Now, peace has eluded many people and countries in the world. Some are full blown war and others are already on that path. Most times, this is because of the selfishness, greed and self-centredness of a few people in their quest to acquire more wealth and power. The church encourages us in a very special way today to pray and always be selfless in our dealings with others, for the sake of the common good. This will go a long way to restore some level of peace in the world in which we live. As Christians and children of God, it is our duty to right the wrong in our society, instead of been the perpetuators of such ills in our society. We must always remember that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world; if a salt loses its taste, it is useless.

Dearly beloved in Christ, it is our duty as children of God to make the difference in the world in which we live, through our efforts and the intercession of our Mother Mary. We must always remember that we are in the world but not of the world. Therefore, we are ‘instruments’ of God’s presence here on earth. Try to make a positive impact in the world around you and wherever you find yourself. May God grant us the grace to be true ambassadors of peace in the world. Peace be with you!


Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp