Thursday, January 4th

1 John 3: 7-10        John 1: 35-42

Theme: “Behold, the Lamb of God”

In the gospel reading of today, Jesus identified Jesus to the people around him, and we are told that he immediately lost two of his disciples to Jesus, because they followed him. They believed in the testimony of John the Baptist and followed Jesus. This is one of the things that credibility can do for an individual. They had no reason to accept the assertion of John because they trust him. The assertion of John is already winning people for the kingdom of God. We have something to learn from what played out in the gospel reading of today. Your credibility as a Christian is a way of witnessing for Christ. If the two men did not know John as a credible man, most likely they would not have taken his word seriously in that situation.

This brings me to a very important question, how credible are you as a person? If the reverse was to be the case, will the people around you accept what you have said, just like in the case of John in the gospel reading of today? Another thing that is worthy of note is the fact that by witnessing for Christ, John was already winning souls for the kingdom of God. It is also important to reflect on this question, those who have encountered you at one time or the other in your life, did you witness to Christ through your word an action, or they were disappointed? These are wonderful questions that will help us to make informed decisions about our call to discipleship. Whatever the situation is now in your life, it is never too late to decide to do what is good and pleasing to God. What John started, continued with one of the two men, who was Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter and he brought him to Jesus. This practice has continued, even in our own time. Why not decide to be among those taking people to Christ? Never think you are not good enough; you can do it.

In the 1st reading of today, St. John tells us that he who does right is righteous and a child of God, and he who does the opposite is a child of the devil. So John is encouraging all of us today as children of God to do all within our power to stay away from sin and what is evil, because we are not the children of the devil. The fact that we have already declared for God shows that we love him, so we have to make effort for our love of God begin to manifest in our word and actions. Never say you cannot do it, do your best and the grace of God will support you. As you do this may almighty God bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.


Thursday, January 4th, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp