Friday, January 5th (Before Epiphany)

1 John 3:11-21       John 1: 43-51

Theme: An invitation to love

In the 1st reading of today, St. John reminds us of the fact that the foundation of our lives as Christians is built on love, and as such we have moved from death to life. By implication, it is expected that all that we do has to be guided by love of God and neighbours. When this becomes a way of life for us, as expected, then the works of darkness and sin will no longer have a place in our lives. Our actions will be good and always pleasing to God, by so doing witnessing for Christ wherever we find ourselves in life. To embrace this type of life in our world today will make a lot of difference. Taking into consideration the level of self-centeredness and evil that is going on in our world today.

We are all encouraged today to accept this wonderful invitation presented to us today by St. John to make honest and sincere effort to put love into practice in all that we do in our daily lives. This will be a wonderful way of preaching Christ and enthroning him in our lives, families and in the world at large. If we all as Christians resolve today to give love a chance in our lives, we will be surprised at the level of impact we will make in the world, taking into consideration the fact that we have over one billion Catholics all over the world. Do not wait for anybody to begin it before you begin it, let it begin with you as a person and gradually the impact will be felt.

The power of love is enormous, never under rate what it can do and how far it can go. Remember, it is love for humanity that led Christ to be one with us in all things except sin. It is also the same love to led him to calvary, for the salvation of souls. Let us make that bold step today and begin to influence our circle of influence and allow God to take it up from there. The question is, are you ready to be part of this plausible movement? Remember, it begins with you. There is no need to postpone it, you can begin it right now. Our desire as children of God is to make the world in which we live a better place for all of us, and love is the bridge that we need to help us achieve it. All we need to do is for everyone of us to contribute his quota, and God will supply whatever is left.

As you work towards achieving this, may almighty God bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.

Friday before Epiphany, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp