Wednesday of the 2nd week in ordinary time

1 Sam. 17: 32-33.37, 40-51       Mark 3: 1-6

Theme: “The battle is of the Lord”

In the 1st reading of today, we see the encounter between David and Goliath. When you take the size into consideration and expertise, one would say that David stands no chance against Goliath. This was also the position of Goliath, when he found out that it was David that was coming to fight with him. What he did not know is the fact that David was not trusting in his strength and knowledge of war like Goliath. Rather David was going to fight Goliath with his faith in God, knowing fully well that it is God that will grant him victory at the end, not the sling and stones that he had with him.

However, Goliath came to the fight trusting in himself and in the weapons, he came to fight with David, not knowing that they will not be useful to him, because God is with David. Ordinarily, the action of David will be seen by so many as a death sentence because he will not stand a chance with Goliath. At the end of the battle, David defeated Goliath and won the war, to the amazement of all. This goes to show us that when God is involved in any situation in our life, we can be rest assured of victory, even when the situation seems hopeless, humanly speaking.

When you have God on your side in any battle that you find yourself in life, it is for you to remain steadfast and have faith in God, because your victory is assured. At such moments, God will never allow you to fail or be defeated. Suffice it to say that victory is assured for you in such a battle. However, the situation is not the same when you trust in yourself or the things you have that will give you victory, you may end up with disappointment when you encounter someone who comes to the battle with God. This is exactly what played out today in the 1st reading between David and Goliath. God will always stand by all those who have faith in trust in him.

In the gospel reading of today, Jesus healed the man with the withered hand on the Sabbath. The people were watching him to see if he will break the Sabbath law and heal the man. Jesus knowing what they have in mind, asked them whether it is lawful to do good or harm on the Sabbath, to save life or to kill? But they could not answer him, because they know the implication of whatever answer they decide to give. We are all encouraged today in the gospel to learn to share in people’s situation, whether in joy or sorrow. Ordinarily, they should thank God for the healing of one of them, but they were rather angry because it was coming from a common enemy (Jesus) and   it was done on the Sabbath. May the Lord bless his word in our heart, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.


Wednesday of the 2nd week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp