Thursday of the 2nd week in ordinary time

1 Sam. 18: 6-9; 19: 1-7    Mark 3:7-12

Theme: True friendship

In the 1st reading of today from first Samuel, Jonathan shows us what it truly means to be a friend. He was loyal to his friend David, and was ready to protect him from his father, who was planning to kill him. This is the kind of friendship that we all desire in our relationship with people. Friends who will be loyal and will always stand by you. It is important that as we long to have such a person or people in our lives, we also must work hard to be a loyal friend to other people.

This is very important, because sometimes we request things from other people that we are not ready to do or give to another. Sometimes when you discuss with young men and maiden, looking for life partner, the qualities they are searching for in another person, they do not even have in their own life. As we desire to have loyal friends like Jonathan in our lives, let us also work on ourselves to be that loyal friend in our relationships also. If we all resolve today to work hard to become a loyal friend, it will make our families, relationships, and our world a better place for all of us. A trusted and loyal friend is a treasure that money cannot buy. Resolve to be one today, let it begin with you.

Sometimes, we must be careful about the decisions we make, lest we come across like an ungrateful person like Saul. The jealousy that was exhibited by Saul is uncalled for, taking into consideration the fact that the victory is for the people of Israel and not for David. Saul would have celebrated David for rescuing them from the Philistines, who would have continued to disturb them. But instead, he allowed jealousy to take a better part of him and was ready to take the life of David, because of his personal insecurity. If he took time to reflect on Davids’s victory, he would have realized that the hand of God was upon David. But he was beclouded by jealousy and could not think well.

It is also important to point out the fact that the song that brought about this jealousy was not necessary. There would have been another way or song to celebrate David and there would be no need for jealousy. Let us be mindful of the statements we make, lest we ignite a fire that may end up consuming innocent people at the end. In this case David was lucky because his trusted friend Jonathan had knowledge of the father’s plan. May God grant us the grace to be charitable with our words and be mindful of how we make others feel, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.

Thursday of the 2nd week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp