Wednesday of the 3rd week in ordinary time

2 Sam. 7: 4-17       Mark 4: 1-20

Theme: Be fruitful

In the gospel reading of today from St. Mark, we are presented with the parable of the Sower by Jesus. A parable that reminds us of the fact that the word of God we hear and preach, is supposed to grow in our lives and continue to yield fruits that will impact on both our lives and in the lives of all those who encounter us. The main question we must reflect on today is, how many percent can we rate the word of God that we have heard in our lives? We have different categories, depending on what is yielding in our lives. It is seen that from the explanation that was later given about the parable, they all heard the word of God, but the way they received it determined how it yielded fruits in their lives. Some had thirtyfold, some sixtyfold, and some a hundredfold.

 It is you as an individual that determines the group that you will belong to, depending on how you decide to treat the word of God that you hear and listen to in your life. According to the explanation of Jesus, it is the word of God that the Sower sowed in the life of the people. But the way it was received and processed by each one who received it will determine how many he or she will produce at the end.

Last Sunday we had the privilege of celebrating the Sunday of the word of God, an opportunity to remind ourselves about the role and place of the word of God in our lives. Just three days later, we are presented with the gospel of Mark that reminds us once again about the need for us to take seriously the word of God that we listen to in our lives. Just listening to the word of God without it making any impact in our lives is not good enough, it must bear fruit and help us to become a better version of ourselves as we also help all those who encounter us to make their way to heaven.

We are all encouraged today to be mindful of this fact and we must make effort to ensure that the word of God bears fruit in our lives. It is never too late to resolve to do what is good and right. Let the word of God you listen to, begin to count in your life today, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.

Wednesday of the 3rd week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp