Saturday after Ash Wednesday

Isaiah 58: 9c-14        Luke 5: 27-32

Theme: A light in the darkness

In today’s 1st reading, the prophet Isaiah reminds us about the fact that we are called to be light in the darkness in our society. He also gives us an insight of what we should not practice in our life and things we should also practice if we want our light to continue to shine brightly. The season of Lent presents us a very wonderful opportunity to embrace virtues and stay away from sin and evil. It is an opportunity for us to retrace our steps from everything in our life that do not glorify God and embrace those that glorify him. By so doing, we will die to the self and become truly human in our dealings with other people. This is an invitation for us to be less self -centred and be more selfless in our dealings with our brothers and sisters. Let us strive to do all within our power to reach out to the less privileged and the most abandoned in our midst.


The response to the psalm says, “Teach me, O Lord, your way, so that I may walk in your truth”. This should constantly be part of our prayer, especially during this season of Lent. We all need to imbibe the ways of the Lord if we truly want to be light in the darkness in our world. When we follow the way of the Lord, we will live according to his precepts and in a way that is pleasing to him and help us to be true ambassadors of Christ wherever we find ourselves. My brothers and sisters in Christ, we must take this admonition to heart and do all within our power to practice it in our daily life.

Thus, we are all encouraged today to follow the footsteps of Christ, and we will have positive disposition towards the less privileged and those the society have tagged sinners. Jesus made it very clear today in the gospel that he came for the sinners and not the righteous. It simply means that Jesus came for all of us, because we are all sinners on different levels. Let us try to be conscious of this fact and be more accommodating in our dealings with one another. May God grant us the grace to be true light wherever we find ourselves. Peace be with you.




Saturday after Ash Wednesday, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp