Monday within Easter Octave

Acts 2: 14. 22-33     Mathew 28: 8-15

Theme: Without fear

In the 1st reading of today from the Acts of the Apostles, we see Peter speaking to the people without any form of fear. The Peter we are seeing right now is different from the Peter who was scared and denied Jesus three times. The power of the Resurrection has completely empowered the Apostles and their faith are strengthened. They are no longer scared or afraid, like it was during the arrest of Jesus and journey to calvary. They are now speaking to the people without fear and with great conviction. Suffice it to say that it is the power of the resurrection that is at work in the lives of the followers of Christ. All of us as Christians and children of God, went through the forty days of Lent, preparing for the death and resurrection of Christ. So, we have all risen with Christ and have been empowered by the resurrection, let us activate it in our personal lives, just like the Apostles of Jesus have done and begin to preach and promote the teachings and way of life of the resurrected Jesus Christ.  Let it begin with you today in your daily life as an individual, now is the time.

This call to action is very important in our lives, families and in our society. This stems from the fact that we live in a world that is presently in need of true witnesses. Men and women who will witness to the resurrected Christ with both their words and their way of life. The need for a change of lifestyle and values in our society today is urgent. This is because the values presented to us by the word of God is being discarded by many of us, and so many people are more attracted by the ways of the world that is taking us far away from the ways of God. The implication of this type of disposition is what we are seeing all over the world today. The sacredness of the human life is no longer as it used to be. People are beginning to live a self-centred life, such that they are not worried about how the selfish choices they make are detrimental to others. Now is the time for us to do what is good and right in the sight of God, as the people of the resurrection.

In the gospel reading of today, as Jesus appeared to his followers, he told them “Do not be afraid…” In the same way, the words of Jesus should continue to propel us to do what is good and acceptable in the sight of God going forward. Now is the time for us to make that leap of faith, trusting in the words of Jesus himself. As you do this, may almighty God bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.



Monday within the Octave of Easter, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp