Friday within the Octave of Easter

Acts 4: 1-12       John 21: 1-14

Theme: The cost of discipleship

In the 1st reading of today from the Acts of the Apostles, we see how the priests and the captains of the temple, and the Sadducees got angry with Peter and John because they were teaching the people in the temple about the resurrected Christ. This led to their arrest, but the situation did not break the spirit of the Apostles. Rather when they met with the rulers of the people, Peter spoke without fear and told them that they did all they did with the power of the resurrected Christ. They used the opportunity to continue to win souls for Christ, not minding the warnings of the leaders of the people that they should stop preaching in the name of Christ. In this instance, we are told that the number of believers increased by five thousand. We all have something to learn from the action of the Apostles of Christ, after the resurrection. They are preaching the resurrected Christ without fear or favour.

In the same way, it is expected that we all as Christians should also preach Christ without fear or favour, knowing fully well that there is no name that is greater than that name. We will encounter challenges and oppositions, just like the Apostles had in the 1st reading of today, but it should not stop us from doing what is good and right in the sight of God. The Apostles did not allow the challenges and oppositions they encountered from the leaders of the people to silence them, rather they continued their preaching and continued to win souls for Christ. They refused to obey the leaders and disobey God. Rather they were more comfortable with obeying God and disobeying the leaders. The choice they have made simply means that they chose to swim against the current, instead of swimming with the current, like many of us would have done.

In the gospel reading of today, Jesus continued to appear to his followers, as he strengthens their faith in the resurrection. John recognised Jesus and told Peter; it is Jesus. The question is, do you recognise Jesus at the breaking of the bread, in the sick, in the less privileged and most abandoned, these are some of the places where you will find him. May the Lord bless his words in our hearts, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.



Friday within Easter octave, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp