Saturday of the 5th week of Easter

Acts 16: 1-10        John 15: 18-21

Theme: Collaboration in service

In the 1st reading of today from the Acts of the Apostles, we see how St. Paul circumcised Timothy, who he wanted to accompany him in his missionary journey. By doing so, I can acknowledge the fact that collaboration is a necessity in the ministry. In that same 1st reading, we see the invitation that Paul should visit Macedonia. One thing that is very clear in the worship and work of God, is the fact that we need each other at one point or the other. This is just reiterating the saying that a tree cannot make a forest. All the different gifts that God has given to us, needs to be contributed towards the building of the body of Christ. All of them put together will bring a lot into the ministry and it will bear a lot of fruit that will impact positively in the life of so many people. This is one of the things that Paul did in his missionary journeys that greatly contributed to the success of his work. Always remember that we need one another in the propagation of the good news of Christ, we cannot do it alone. We will make a greater impact when we go as a group more than when we decide to do everything alone.

The fact that collaboration is a necessity is never in doubt. The main challenge we have today is how many of us are willing to collaborate in ministry? Sometimes some of us tend to think that it is the job of the ordained ministers, so they have no reason to partake of it. One thing we must know is that we all have a role to play in the propagation of the good news of Christ and in the building of the body of Christ. In view of this, as you listen to my podcast or read this homily, I want you to reflect on it and ask yourself whether you are a collaborator already in the building of the body of Christ? What role are you playing already towards enthroning Gods presence amongst his people, or you are just watching while others do the job for you? I want you to know today that whatever you bring to the table is going to be very useful towards the growth of Gods kingdom on earth. Take that bold step today and begin to make impact on the lives of all those who encounter you.

Dear friends in Christ, always remember that we are all collaborators in the vineyard of the Lord. Just do your best and leave the rest to God. Never choose to sit on the fence and watch others do the work. As you do this, may almighty God bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.

Saturday of the 5th week of Easter, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp