Wednesday of the 6th week of Easter

Acts 17: 15.22-18:1       John 16: 12-15

Theme: The wisdom of God

In the 1st reading of today from the Acts of the Apostles, we see the encounter between St. Paul and the Athenians. He was able to make good use of the opportunity that he had as he moved around and found out that there was an alter that was made to an unknown God, and he used the opportunity to explain to them more about the Triune God, saying that he is what they are referring to as an unknown God. Given the situation Paul found himself, the wisdom of God that he applied in his discussion with the Athenians was a very wonderful. It was a wonderful way through which he was able to catch the attention of the people. This is very important in our own time, especially to us as Christians. We have to device a means through which we can get the attention of those we intend to preach about Christ. Just like St. Paul used the alter to an unknown God as a vehicle through which he was able to preach Christ to the people.

 It is possible that if he did not apply wisdom to his discussion with the Athenians, he may have heard the statement, we shall hear you again, earlier than he did. It is wisdom to know what means will help us to achieve our aim of preaching Christ to the people in any given situation that we find ourselves as followers of Christ. Primarily using the proper means will determine the success and acceptance of the message that we take to our listeners. Always remember that you are like a marketer who is ‘selling’ Christ to his audience, so your method and message must be good enough to get the attention of your desired audience. However, never be worried about the success or acceptance of the message, especially when you are convinced that you have done your best. Remember, Paul planted, Apollos watered, and the Lord gave the increase. The most important thing is that we all do our best and play our role, what is left is determined by God.

In the gospel reading of today from St. John, we see Jesus giving his Apostles what some people refer to as a farewell speech, to prepare them for what awaits them in the future. He will soon be ascending to his father, and he is assuring them that he will send them the advocate who will lead them to complete truth. So, they will not be left as orphans, because they will have the holy spirit with them. At a time like this in the life of the Apostles, they needed this type of assurance to strengthen their faith, and Jesus understood this fact. May almighty God bless his words in our hearts, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.

Wednesday of the 6th week of Easter, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp