Tuesday of the 6th week of Easter

Acts 16: 22-34     John 16: 5-11

Theme: The mercy of God

Today’s 1st reading from the Acts of the Apostles has a lot for us to learn as children of God, in our own time. The 1st lesson for us from that passage is the fact that sometimes our call to discipleship can bring us pain and suffering. We see that in the way Paul and Silas were treated by the Philippians and the order given by the magistrate that they should be beaten with rods. They went through this abuse because of their faith in God, and they did not allow the situation to break their spirit and resolve to continue to serve and preach the crucified Christ. This should always strengthen our faith in God when we are faced with similar situations in our daily life. Humanly speaking it is a challenging experience, but God always ensures that everything ends well in our favour at his own time; we pray for the grace of patience at such times. This is because God may not respond immediately as we would want him to do. He responds at his own time and when he knows it is best for us.


Secondly, Paul and Silas did not allow the humiliation they went through to break them. Rather in the prison they started praying and singing while the prisoners listened to them; and God visited them in a mighty way and set them free, so to say; but they did not escape. The action of Paul and Silas says a lot to you and me as Christians in our own time. Amidst the pain and bad situation, they found themselves, they still trusted in God and continued to glorify him in the prison. Dearly beloved in Christ, when we are faced with the storms and challenges of life, we must never lose faith in God but continue to glorify him in faith and trust.


The 3rd lesson is the fact that God uses different means to achieve his heart desires or aims in our lives. We see how this humiliating experience for Paul and Silas brought about redemption for the jailer and his household; and they were all baptised and accepted the message of Christ from Paul and Silas. God’s ways are different from our human ways. He makes use of any means to bring about what he wants in the life of his people.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, the way to salvation is a difficult one, but we must have faith in God and persevere to the end. As you do this, may almighty God bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.



Tuesday of the 6th week of Easter, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp