Thursday of the 7th week in ordinary time

James 5: 1-6    Mark 9: 41-50

Theme: God rewards every good deed

In the 1st reading of today St. James enjoins us to be fair in our dealings with one another. This is because we are all rich in one way or the other. In view of this, it is expected that we treat people right when we have the capacity to do so. Sometimes it may be those who work for us, or even those who are dependent on us in one way or the other. This is very important in our lives as a people, lest we end up in regrets at the end of our mortal life. The admonition of St. James should redirect our course to the right path if we have derailed and embrace the life of fairness that will grant us victory at the end. Don’t be deceived by the saying that he was talking to the rich and you are not one of them. Even the person with good health is rich in a sense. Let us be guided in our human dealings with one another.


Dear friends in Christ, the assertion of St. James is very important in our own time too, taking into consideration how some of the rich and privileged people, manipulate and oppress the less privileged. We see that all around us these days. Sometimes people who are qualified for a particular job cannot get it because they do not know someone who can speak on their behalf, while the less qualified who have people to speak for them are given the jobs that they are not qualified to do. In some other cases, selfish requests are made before someone can be given a position that he or she is qualified to handle, and may have done very well during the interview, more than the person who will eventually get the job. There are so many other instances that comes into play here. Let us all be our brothers and sisters’ keepers, without exploiting one another for our selfish gains.


In our gospel reading today, Jesus admonishes us about our lifestyle, lest we lead others astray. We must always be conscious of the fact that as children of God our life should be Christ like and help others who encounter us to embrace the gospel imperatives that guides us as children of God. We are encouraged to be worthy ambassadors for Christ, by leading people to God through our actions and not leading them away from God. As we do this in our daily lives, it becomes easier for us to get the promised reward of Jesus in today’s gospel. Dearly beloved in Christ, for us to be able to achieve our goal we must be disciplined in issues about our faith and in our human relationships. Let us be conscious of the fact that our goal is to make heaven at the end of our mortal life here on earth. May the Lord bless his words in our hearts, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen.  Peace be with you.




Thursday of the 7th week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp