Homily for the 4th Sunday of the ordinary time Year C
Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19 1 Corinthians12:31-13:13 Luke 4:21-30
Theme: The challenge of discipleship
The liturgy we have on this 4th Sunday of the ordinary time of the year, presents to us some of the likely challenges that we encounter as a result of our call to discipleship. In the 1st reading, we see wonderful words of encouragement to the prophet Jeremiah, preparing him for the challenges he will encounter, as a result of his prophet message to the people. Amidst all the challenges, the Lord assured him that he will be with him and they will never prevail over him. These are wonderful words of encouragement, for you and I as children of God. There will be challenges, difficulties and rejection; but we will come our victorious, because we have God on our side and the battle is of the Lord. So, no matter what you are going through at the moment, just keep doing your best and trust in God; victory is sure, it is only a matter of time.
In the gospel reading, Jesus told the people the truth and they could not take it and were resentful towards him. Remember, he was speaking to his own people. In our own time, do we still have our prophetic voice as priests, kings and prophets? Many of us have lost our voice, because we are already compromised. Either because of our way of life, or because of our selfish interests. When we lose our prophetic voice, we are like salt that has lost its taste; it is of no use to the people any more. We must always remember that we are Gods presence among his people. Never allow the challenges and persecution you encounter because of people who cannot stand the truth, make you compromise and sin against God by losing your voice. It is your duty to continue to speak, whether they accept it or not.
The strength that God assures his prophet in today’s 1st reading is made perfect in love, as presented to us in the 2nd reading. As a prophet and children of God, if we allow love to guide our actions and give God a chance, it is almost impossible for us to lose our prophetic voice. Our relationship with God is guided by his love for you and I, in the same way, he is inviting you and I to allow love reign in our individual lives. When there is love, there is peace, unity and growth. Dearly beloved in Christ, let us be disposed to accept the truth about ourselves and make amends when necessary. May the Lord grant us the grace to be true ambassadors of Christ. Peace be with you.