Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael (Archangels)
Theme: The love of God
Today the church celebrates the feast of the Archangels, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. These are all messengers of God, and they perform different functions between God and his people. In the functions that God send them to perform, we see the depth of God’s love for his people. He is concerned with every aspects of our life, and he sends his Archangels to visit us his children who are mortals. As messengers of God, their functions does not end, even in our own time God is still using them to reach out to you and I who are his children. Archangel Michael is known as the protector of the people of God. This has made his prayer for protection very popular amongst the people of God. He continues to protect the people of God, even in our own time. The most important thing is for us to believe and trust that he is capable of performing the role God has given to him for his people. Archangel Gabriel is known as the messenger of good news, who visited our mother Mary with the message that she will be the mother of Jesus. All those who seek for good news in their life and family, continues to pray through his intercession; just like people do with Archangel Michael. Lastly is Archangel Raphael, who is known as the healer. Even in our own time, the sick pray through his intercession for healing.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, the Archangels we celebrate today continue to intercede for all of us as children of God in heaven. We are privileged people to have the Archangels performing these wonderful roles on our behalf in the presence of God. This is an opportunity for us to befriend the Archangels and promote devotion to them. It is never too late for us to get close to them, and we will experience the love and blessings of their friendship. As we celebrate the Archangels today, may almighty God bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.