Friday of the 25th week in ordinary time year A

Rev. 12: 7-12a               John 1:47-51

Theme: God loves you

Today the church celebrates the feast of the Archangels, Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. These are the messengers of God, who worship him and carry out their different assignments for God, in the lives of humans. The three Archangels that we celebrate today are known for their different roles in the lives of the people of God, and for God too. The name Michael means ‘who is like God’. He was the Archangel who fought against lucifer in heaven and defeated the devil and drove him out of heaven. He is the Archangel that goes into battle on behalf of the people of God and bring them victory. His victory against the devil is seen clearly in the famous prayer of St. Michael the Archangel.

 In times of attacks of Satan and his agents, we are encouraged to call upon St. Michael the Archangel to come to our assistance and bring us victory, just the same way he won Satan in battle and threw him down from heaven. He is very close and near to us, each time we call upon him for assistance. Let us learn to always call upon him in times of battle with Satan and his agents. He is more than capable of protecting and fighting on our behalf to win us victory at such times. Today’s feast is a reminder to all of us, of Gods love for us, by placing his messengers at our disposal to assist us whenever we find ourselves in difficult situations.

The name Raphael means ‘The medicine of God’. He is the Archangel that came to the aid of Tobit and Tobias, his father. He helped in the healing of the sight of the father of Tobit, Tobias. He is the Archangel that is referred to as the healer, because of the restoration of the sight of Tobias. As we celebrate him today, we are all reminded to take our health challenges to him, trusting in the power of his intercession for us. The miracle of healing that was performed in the household of Tobias, can also happen in your own life and family today. If only we would trust him enough to present that health situation in our lives to him today. Why not call upon him today, trusting in the power of his intercession.

The name Gabriel means ‘strength of God’. The good news bearer, that announced the message to Mary, that she will be the mother of Jesus Christ. He loves us so much and has assigned his messengers to always come to our aid, especially when we call for their aid.

The Archangels through their roles as messengers of God, have shown us the depth of Gods love for us all. May the Lord continue to guide and protect us through the intercession of the Archangels, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.







Friday of the 25th week in ordinary time year A, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp