Thursday of the 25th week in ordinary time year A
Haggai 1: 1-8 Luke 9: 7-9
Theme: The quest to see Jesus
In the gospel reading of today, Herod the Tetrarch is curious to see Jesus because of all the stories about Jesus that he was hearing. It is difficult for him to accept the stories because he knows that John is no more, so who is this person performing similar works like John the Baptist. Herod was confused because the people have different things to say about Jesus, because they did not know who Jesus was. Interestingly, the desire to see Jesus by Herod was not a positive one. He is restless because he has beheaded John and will not be comfortable having another person like John who will be confronting him openly, just like John did. Simply put, he was worried about the presence of Jesus.
This brings us to a very important question, what is that thing that drives you towards knowing who God is? Is it because of the things we stand to gain from him or because we truly love him? Our quest to know God should be driven by our love for God, and not just because of what we hope to get from him. In the case of Herod, it was more out of fear, because he beheaded John the Baptist and was not certain about this unknown person who is like John the Baptist. We are all encouraged today to search for God with sincerity of heart, and the desire to honestly serve God and his people.
A day like this also present us an opportunity to reflect on the times we have failed both ourselves and God. What are you doing about it? Instead of been remorseful about what he has done to John, Herod is rather worried about the emergence of another prophet that is like John and may begin to challenge him just like John did in the past. Let us be mindful of our actions and make honest effort to align ourselves with the plans of God for us, always. As you do this may almighty God bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.