Thursday of the first week of Advent year B
Isaiah 26: 1-6 Mathew 7:21.24-27
Theme: The will of my father
Today the church celebrates the memorial of St Ambrose, Bishop, and doctor of the church. He was referred to as one of the four original Doctors of the church by Pope Boniface V111, in 1928. He was known for his uprightness and objectivity in handling issues. By so doing, he was doing the will of God and touching lives in a very positive way in the society. He is also known to have played a major role in the conversion of St. Augustin of Hippo. These attributes and more, contributed towards the fruitfulness of his ministry as the Bishop of Milan. These attributes of uprightness and objectivity are gradually becoming a thing of the past in our society today.
Most times people are compromised, and they can no longer speak objectively in cases of dispute among people, especially elders and people in positions of power and authority. At the end of the day, victory is given to the wealthy and most influential, even when they do not merit it and the poor who have nobody to speak for them continue to suffer unjustly. Today as we celebrate the memorial of St. Ambrose, the Lord is inviting us to make amends, if we have faltered in our judgement of issues because of our selfish gains, retrace your steps and return to the right path. Remember that there is one person who knows all what you are doing in your life and will also stand as a judge for you when the time comes. It is never too late to make amends and embrace what is good and right in our lives, the time is now.
In the gospel reading of today, Jesus also emphasized the fact that those who will make heaven at the end are those who do the will of his father in heaven. We all know what Jesus is talking about when he says the will of his father, so it is left for us to make honest and sincere effort to do it, if we truly want to make heaven at the end of our earthly pilgrimage. St Ambrose that we celebrate today, is one of those who did the will of God in his life, that is why we all are celebrating him today in the Catholic world. Why not do it today and be like that wise man who has built his house on the rock, and nothing can destroy it. Never say I cannot do it, do your best and trust on Gods grace to support you. May the grace of God sustain us, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.