Saturday of the 3rd week in ordinary time

2 Sam. 12: 1-7a.10-17      Mark 4: 35-41

Theme: “Peace! Be still”

In the gospel reading of today from St. Mark, we are presented with a situation that is usually very scary for anyone who experiences it. The disciples of Jesus ran into a storm on the sea, they had to wake up Jesus to come to their assistance. They were all scared and needed the help of Jesus, he did not disappoint them, because he gave a command, and the sea was calm, and they continued their journey in peace. The people were surprised, and they exclaimed, “Even the sea and the wind obey him”. It is still the same God that we are all serving as Christians in our own time. The disciples of Jesus were afraid, and they went to him for assistance, and he granted their hear desire by saying, “Peace! Be still”. Immediately there was calm in the sea, and everything went normal.

In the same way dear friends in Christ, why not go to Jesus and present that scary situation in your life and family to him and allow him to calm that storm in your life, just the same way he did for his disciples in the gospel of St. Mark today. The disciples did not waste time, they went to him and woke him up, because they believed that he could restore the calm they need on their journey in the sea. I want to encourage you in a very special way today to go to him with that same faith and allow him to be glorified in that situation in your life. One thing you must know is the fact that no matter what you are going through right now in your life, there is nothing God cannot do, “With God everything is possible”. He does not fail or disappoint all those who come to him with faith, he cannot begin it with your own situation.

In the 1st reading from 2nd Samuel, we see what plays out between Nathan and David. David never knew that Nathan was talking about him, and he used his mouth to condemn himself, until at the end when Nathan told him he was talking about him. One thing that is very clear from today’s 1st reading is the fact that we are very quick to condemn others for the mistake they have made, without taking time to reflect on the true situation of what is at hand. Sometimes the things we condemn in the lives of others is what we also do in our own life, directly or indirectly. We are all encouraged today to be mindful of the way we condemn the actions of other people. May the Lord bless his words in our hearts in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.

Saturday of the 3rd week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp