Monday of the 2nd week of Lent

Daniel 9: 4b-10      Luke 6: 36-38

Theme: A guide for Lent

The readings we have today presents us a road map that will help us navigate through the Lenten season, in a way that it will be fruitful for us as children of God. In the 1st reading, the prophet Daniel acknowledges the fact that they have broken the covenant they had with God in so many ways, and he is appealing for the mercy of God for the people. The prophet did not make excuses for their failures and unfaithfulness towards God, like many of us would have readily done. But rather, he is appealing to the mercy of God for the people, sign of remorse and acceptance of their failure.


The action of the prophet is a guide for you and me as children of God, during this season of Gods abundant grace. Let us acknowledge our human failings and go back to God remorsefully seeking his mercy and forgiveness. As many that will accept this invitation, and act on it; they will surely receive God’s mercy. God loves us so much and he is waiting patiently for all those who sincerely desire his mercy.


In line with the 1st reading from the prophet Daniel, Jesus also gives us an insight on what we will do if we want to have a fruitful Lenten season. The mercy that we seek from God is what he is also encouraging us to show to one another. Just as we enjoy his mercy, we are all encouraged to also give others the opportunity to also enjoy the same mercy from us. Taking into consideration the words of Jesus, that “the measure you give is the measure you will receive”, let us do all within our power to practice mercy and forgiveness in our life. Humanly speaking, it may be difficult sometimes, but let us trust on the saying of Jesus that his grace is sufficient for us. The grace of God will never fail all those who trust in it; no matter the situation we find ourselves.


May God grant us the grace to put the word of God into practice in our daily lives, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.


Monday of the 2nd week of Lent, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp