Tuesday of the 2nd week of Lent

Isaiah 1:10.16-20    Mathew 23: 1-12

Theme: Blessed assurance

The prophet Isaiah in today’s 1st reading admonishes us about the need for us to turn away from evil and embrace what is good, right, and just. As children of God and especially during this season of Lent, we are all encouraged in a very special way to live a life that is pleasing to God and worthy of the name Christian. No matter our present situation, the Lord is inviting us to retrace our steps and come back to him. His assurance is a great source of strength and hope to all those who believe in the mercy of God. The Lord says, that though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall become like wool. There is no greater assurance than what is presented to us in today’s 1st reading. My brothers and sisters in Christ, do not allow anything prevent you from accepting this wonderful invitation presented to us by the Lord. The Lord in his infinite mercy and love is giving us another opportunity to embrace holiness of life.


Also in St. Mathew’s gospel, Jesus encourages us as teachers on different levels; to practice what we teach in our personal lives. Otherwise, we will be like the Scribes and Pharisees, whom Jesus referred to as hypocrites. This is because there is disparity between what they teach and their personal lives. Dearly beloved in Christ, for our teaching to be effective, there must be harmony between what we teach and our personal lives. This is one of the greatest ways we can be true witnesses of Christ. Simply put, by their fruits you shall know them. The assertions of Jesus in the gospel, is a reminder to all of us as Christians in a very special way during this season of Lent. Let us trust in God’s process and give him the opportunity to Mold us into what he wants us to be; and we will not regret it. Remember, he is the porter, and we are the clay. Let us be docile and give God a chance in our life.

May God grant us the grace to be true witnesses wherever we find ourselves, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.


Tuesday of the 2nd week of Lent, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp