Wednesday of the 2nd week of Lent

Jeremiah 18: 18-20     Mathew 20: 17-28

Theme: The fate of a prophet

In the 1st reading of today, we see the difficulties encountered by the prophet Jeremiah. The people he ministered to with love and a sincere heart is plotting his downfall; and he goes to present his situation to the Lord. This situation the prophet Jeremiah found himself and how he handled it, should be a source of strength and hope to all of us as children of God. This is because the situation has not really changed in recent time; there may even be more challenges in our own time. Interestingly we are all involved in one way or the other; because by virtue of our baptism, we are all priests, prophets, and kings. Also, those who make themselves instruments of division and disunity are not also far from us. The good news today my brothers and sisters, is the fact that whenever we are faced with such difficulties in our life, God does not desert us. What we need at such moments is to emulate the prophet Jeremiah and take it to God in prayer.


In the gospel reading, as Jesus journeyed with his disciples, he took them aside to intimate them about what awaits him in Jerusalem. One would have expected that with such a serious issue been discussed, all the concentration will be on what Jesus just shared with them. Interestingly, that was the time the mother of James and John chose to request for positions from Jesus for his sons. You will agree with me that the timing of the mother of the two disciples of Jesus was very wrong, and we can easily condemn her action. However, have you found yourself at one point or the other making the same mistake made by the mother of James and John? Has there been time when we attend mass or any of the sacraments and we are distracted with other things, different from where we are at the time. Also, have we found ourselves thinking about other personal issues while the readings and the homily is going on at mass?

Let us pray for the grace to always attend to things that matters most in our life, no matter the situation we find ourselves, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.




Wednesday of the 2nd week of Lent, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp