Monday of the 6th week of Easter

Acts 16: 11-15    John 15: 26-16:4a

Theme: God cares

In the gospel reading of today, we see the depth of God’s love for his people. As Jesus prepares to ascend to his father, he is assuring the people that they will not be left as orphans, because his father will send them an advocate, a counsellor. Who will witness to Christ, just as you and I are also encouraged in our daily lives to witness to Christ. There is no better way for us to witness than with our daily lives; in words and deeds, by adhering to the teachings of the word of God in the scripture and through his ministers. As Christians and bearers of the good news, we are called to propagate the good news of the kingdom in everything that we do in our daily lives.

Dear friends in Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit as a witness to Christ and his works is overwhelming and beyond human comprehension. We see this power at play in today’s 1st reading in the life of Lydia; this was possible because of her openness to the spirit. This simply points out the fact that we must be open to the Holy Spirit, if we want to experience him in our life in a very powerful way, just like Lydia in the 1st reading. This brings us to a very important question that we need to answer, what is your disposition towards the things of the Holy Spirit? This is very important because we are all in need of the power of the Holy Spirit in our journey of faith.


Dearly beloved in Christ, the response to the psalm reminds us about the fact that God takes delight in his people. A sign of God’s love for you and myself. He cares and loves us so much that he is interested in everything that concerns us and happens in our lives. One of the ways we can appreciate Gods love for us is by living a life that is pleasing to God in our daily life. By so doing, we will be witnessing to Gods love to humanity and attract people to the kingdom of God. As we resolve to do this in our daily lives, may almighty God bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.




Monday of the 6th week of Easter, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp