3rd Sunday of the Year C (Sunday of the word of God)

Nehemiah 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10    1Corinthians 12:12-30   Luke1:1-4; 4:14-21

Theme: Power in the Word of God

Today is the 3rd Sunday of the ordinary time Year C, and it is known as the Sunday of the Word of God. This celebration was established by Pope Francis on the 30th of September 2019. It is celebrated yearly on the 3rd Sunday, emphasizing the importance of the Word of God. The word of God is both alive and active. This is seen in the 1st reading from the prophet Nehemiah and in the gospel at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry.  The word of God is very important in our call to discipleship. We meet God in his word!

The word of God brings forth renewal and transformation, liberates and restores. The word of God is all encompassing for all those who believe and make use of them. Its importance in our lives as children of God cannot be over emphasized. As many times as we hear or study the word of God, it says something new to us; a new understanding and insight. This fact is seen in the 1st reading from the Book of Nehemiah, as read by the priest Ezra. The people were touched, and we were they all chorused Amen. In the same way Jesus touched the lives of his audience in the gospel reading from St. Luke’s gospel. The eyes of everyone were fixed on Jesus.

The word of God is very important in our lives as children of God. It is not only for priests and religious, it is for all Christians. We need to spend some time to study the word of God and work hard towards obeying the word of God that we preach and listen to others preach. The word of God should not end with listening, it has to be practiced and reactivated in our daily lives to achieve our quest to make heaven at the end of our earthly pilgrimage. It is never too late to begin the study of the scripture. The word of God is the Good News that we have to imbibe and practice in our daily lives.

In the 2nd reading St. Paul reminds us about the fact that though we are many, we are one body in Christ. We are all important in our different ways and no one is more important than the other. A collection of our different gifts will help to build the body of Christ. So none of us as children of God is less important in the building of the body of Christ; we all have a role to play. This reminder is very important as we celebrate the Word of God today. God speaks to us through his word.

Dearly beloved in Christ, resolve today to make out time to study the word and practice it in your life. It is liberating, powerful, renews, and transforms. Meet God in his word and your life will never remain the same. May God bless his words in our hearts. Peace be with you.






Homily for the Sunday of the word of God Year C, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp