Saturday of the 34th week in the ordinary time of the year C

Theme: Keep watch

Jesus in the gospel of today, admonishes us to be watchful about the difficulties and challenges of life, lest we get too busy, and that day come upon us unexpectedly. One of the greatest things we can do for ourselves is to be watchful and be mindful of the choices we make in our daily life. That way, we will be preparing for that day that no one know exactly when it will be. Our honest and sincere effort to make heaven, will keep us at alert at all times, and it will equally guide our actions daily. Humanly speaking, it may be very difficult to achieve this, but with prayer and the help of God; it is very possible. However, there must be conscious effort on our part, if we truly desire that it happens in our life. Interestingly, Jesus continues to prepare us for the coming of that ‘day’, it is left for you and I to prepare and be ready for it.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, when we strive to live a good life like children of God that we are called to be, we can now confidently say the response to our psalm of today, Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus. Then we are fully assured that we are prepared and ready for the coming of Christ without any fear. Sometimes we are worried and scared about the end because we are not sure of what it holds for us. But when our destination is certain to us, Just like St. Paul, we can confidently say “we are waiting for the crown of unfading glory”, just like he did without any fear or reservation. It is never too late for us to take seriously the admonition of Jesus in today’s gospel, and begin to live our lives like people who are watchful.

In the 1st reading from the Book of Revelation, John presents wonderful words of encouragement that makes us look towards the future with joy and expectation. It will be a time when everything will be good and beautiful. Let us trust in God and continue to live a watchful life, as we await the promises of God. They will surely come to pass at the appointed time. Let us continue to trust in God and live our life daily as true children of God that we are called to be. As you do this, may almighty God bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.


Saturday of the 34th week in the ordinary time of the year, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp